Dr Warren DeAmbrosis rocks!!!

Dr Warren DeAmbrosis is a leading doctor at The Queensland Fertility Group in Brisbane, Australia.  After having done IVF at The Lister in London, SIMS Clinic in Dublin, and Instituto Marques in Barcelona (not to mention numerous encounters with OB/GYNs for other surgeries), I can say with some authority that 'Warren', as he is known to his patients, is one of the most down to earth, compassionate, open-minded and wonderful doctors I have encountered in the last 6 years.  I think he has a special understanding of women who are truly desperate and at the end of the line.  He doesn't pull any punches, but that is ok with me.  More than anything though, he has a brilliant sense of humour, makes you laugh and puts you completely at ease.

It is easy for women to rave on about their favourite doctor when they have gotten their 'miracle' baby with the help of that particular doctor.  I never got a baby out of Warren but he restored my faith in doctors.  I did my 7th IVF cycle with him and truly wish I had been able to do the previous 6 IVFs with him as well.  He has a particular knowledge of premature ovarian failure, prides himself on taking on the 'hard cases' and is a self-described 'maverick'.  Sometimes infertile women desperately need a maverick.  Warren is prepared to consider all the latest research and anything that might help and does not do the same cycle over and over again. He tweaks and changes.  I did one cycle with him that did not work out but he pulled out all stops.  He treated my younger sister, who also has POF and after 5 cycles, with just two embryos available, she got pregnant with twin boys....so thank you Wozza for my gorgeous nephews and ensuring that part of my mother and my genetic family lives on - you are a legend!  Kisses and hugs from Dublin, Ireland.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Amelia. I wish you every success in living your dream of becoming a mother. We've done 14 cycles of IVF, which included 3 cancelled cycles, and 4 miscarriages, DH diagnosed of prostate cancer half way through our 4 year IVF journey. I've gone through the deep depression, the rage, curling on on the floor with uncontrolled crying, DH standing by helpless. My friend offered us their leftover embryo out of pity. I have no sisters and I was struggling to accept the donation route, and we are too old to adopt. I changed to Warren after 5 cycles, although he was way laid with his bad back during our last cycle and my old FS got me more BFPs than the Wazza, he's very dear to our hearts and gets the credit of our final success. I've come to meet many women on this infertility journey over the years on IVF support forums, some are still battling on, some have resorted to live the rest of the journey child free, and some of us are healing and forever grateful holding our rainbow babies in our arms. I can't wait to read the rest of your story.
